

Who Are We?

Midrasha in Berkeley engages Jewish teens in exploring their identity as Jews through social, educational, and experiential programming. Through weekly classes, tri-annual retreats, and social action projects, East Bay teens in grades 8-12 strengthen their ties with their heritage and their community. Each week, a class is inspired by a Jewish quote and video to write their heart out about their week as an East Bay Jewish teen. Then, their work gets posted right here, on our very own blog, creating a fantastic new group of published authors each week!

September 29, 2013

Week 4: Trying Something and Making Mistakes

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."
 -Albert Einstein

The first time I led services, was at my bat mitzvah.  I was incredibly nervous and felt as though I was totally unprepared. Seeing that it was in the morning, my voice was still slightly hoarse and I was still waking up.  It didn’t go perfectly; in fact it was far from perfect.  I’m pretty sure I miss-pronounced about 99% of all the words that came out of my mouth. My Drash presentation went far from smooth.  I didn’t deliver it clearly and the actual written Drash was short and quite a bit choppy.  If I led services I’d definitely change some things about it. 

When I was 9 years old, my parents and I traveled to Mexico. I was in 5th grade so we had not been introduced to the Spanish language yet in school, and so I barely knew any Spanish. My parents knew enough to get us around the city, but I had no idea what was going on. So one day we went to the beach, and I met a girl there that did not speak a word of English, but I wanted to play with her and get to know her. I asked my parents what to say, and they told me to ask her what her name was by saying como se llama. I tried to have a conversation with this girl, but I think that she thought that I was weird because I just kept on asking what her name was. After this event, and now that I am in my second year of Spanish, I believe that I would have a much better and easier time communicating and making my way around Mexico.

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