

Who Are We?

Midrasha in Berkeley engages Jewish teens in exploring their identity as Jews through social, educational, and experiential programming. Through weekly classes, tri-annual retreats, and social action projects, East Bay teens in grades 8-12 strengthen their ties with their heritage and their community. Each week, a class is inspired by a Jewish quote and video to write their heart out about their week as an East Bay Jewish teen. Then, their work gets posted right here, on our very own blog, creating a fantastic new group of published authors each week!

November 24, 2013

Week 10: Thanksgiving

This week during the Midrasha brunch, teens (and parents!) could choose new classes that they wanted to attend, so check out our three newest bloggers!

By Rabbi Naomi Levy | Prayer
For the laughter of the children,
For my own life breath,
For the abundance of food on this table,
For the ones who prepared this sumptuous feast,
For the roof over our heads,
The clothes on our backs,
For our health,
And our wealth of blessings,
For this opportunity to celebrate with family and friends,
For the freedom to pray these words
Without fear,
In any language,
In any faith,
In this great country,
Whose landscape is as vast and beautiful as her inhabitants.
Thank You, God, for giving us all these.  Amen.

(Book of Psalms)
Chapter 100: A psalm of thanksgiving (Mizmor l’Todah)

1 Shout for joy to ADONAI, all the earth! 2 Serve ADONAI with gladness. Enter his presence with joyful songs. 3 Be aware that ADONAI is God; it is he who made us; and we are his, his people, the flock in his pasture. 4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving, enter his courtyards with praise; give thanks to him, and bless his name. 5 For ADONAI is good, his grace continues forever, and his faithfulness lasts through all generations.

Thanksgiving is about family
We only have one tradition
We write down answers to conversation cards
And we see the differences from years before
Tofu instead of turkey
Ice cream instead of pie
Chocolate sauce instead of cranberry
We laugh at old cartoons
And talk about life
We are a family
I'm thankful for that

My idea of Thanksgiving is a house in SF, full of family and friends in every room. We all have our own traditions, and we know no matter what mistakes we make, our family will thank us for being who we are. It's around this time of year we all get together to be thankful of how close we are as a family.

In our family write or have discussions about Thanksgiving, of thanks to our life or the past that we were grateful for.
I made a video of what I'm thankful for.
Every year I am thankful that I am here and for everything being alive.

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